Quality of Interaction = Quality of Life

Andrew Visagie • January 23, 2019

Better Communication at home and at work - Free Guideline

Variables Required for Healthy Interpersonal Communication and Interaction Explained

Effective communication is about understanding and consistently integrating these variables
into a more effective communication style when one or more are lacking.
Your interactional pattern will determine the way you perceive the world and how the world
perceives you. People either create an environment at home and at work which is conducive to growth, job
satisfaction and rewarding interactions or they create an environment that is experienced as
personally and financially expensive, rejecting, tense and destructive.

Questions to ask yourself related to the effects of poor communication to think about
while familiarizing yourself with the content of this document:
• Are people naturally attracted to me and is it easy for me to make friends and function
within my work team?
• Are my instructions easily followed and are our goals usually achieved?
• Do people interact with me in an abrupt and dismissive manner?
• Do I find myself blaming others for mistakes made, or am I perhaps the one often
shouldering the blame?
• Are there certain needs that are unmet?
• Are there miscommunications within my team resulting in arguments or poor team

Context Creates Meaning
Context is the frame or surrounding in which the interaction and communication occur.
Interactions can only be explained and understood within their context. The same behavior,
word or phrase in different contexts can hold significantly different meanings. The phrase “I
hate you” will create question and confusion in isolation, but in the context of a person
having gotten a fright in response to a surprise birthday party it will hold a different meaning
when compared to a victim of infidelity saying it to his/her partner.

Before one engages in communication, effective context needs to be set. Confusion and
misinterpretation occurs when context is not adequately established, or when contexts are
mixed. An example of mixed contexts is when a father and son work together. The context of
family functioning and business conduct are mixed and could serve to contaminate the
interactions and communications with the rest of the team.

An example of setting proper context: A business owner sits across the table from an
employee who has underperformed and misbehaved over an ex- tended period and has
failed to adjust his behaviour accordingly with assistance. The business owner informs the
employee that his employment at the company has ended and lists the reasons directly and
factually, leaving little room for interpretation and question. The employee is shocked and
becomes somewhat emotional. The business owner ends the meeting, walks around the
desk, and tells his son that he heard that he had just lost his job, and asks how he can help
him move forward.

The two contexts were clearly separated and the communication between the two
individuals changed appropriately from one to the other, minimizing the potential for
rejection, isolation, and conflict.

Setting context involves setting the stage for the interaction. In a business, this could include
clearly defining the goals of the email, meeting or discussion and checking that everyone
agrees with the goals set out. In a social or romantic relationship, an example of setting
appropriate context could be achieved by checking in.

An example of not checking in (not setting context): A husband returns from work after
losing a very important contract and is informed that he needs to make up the loss within the
next two months or he might be without work. As he walks through the door his wife, in a
somewhat irritable tone, asks him if he could take out the trash and reminds him that he
needs to fix the washing machine.

Her message is framed from her context, which was a calm day except for the frustration
surrounding the washing machine and the trash. His context is one characterized by stress
and disappointment. This brief interaction could result in either disengagement from his side
or retaliation, which will most likely be a verbal attack back and forth.

An example of checking in (setting context). The husband walks through the door and, in
this case, the wife asks him how his day was. He takes the time to explain his
disappointment, frustration, and stress. She in turn has time to listen and understand
and respond in line with his context. She explains that her work went well, but that she was battling
with the dishwasher earlier and the trash needed to be taken out as she did not have time to do it earlier.

The two now share context in which their communication can be adapted and understood
without basing their responses on the immediate emotional response.
Context frames set the scene and apply the lenses through which any piece of
communication is interpreted. Without proper context, the interaction can escalate to
violence, confusion, or disengagement before it has even started.

Definition of Relationship
It is important to note that none of the following definitions are “healthier” or more optimal
than the other. The important part to note is whether the participants can perform their
tasks, grow as individuals and employees and at the end of the day contribute in a manner
that will increase productivity.

Relationships can be defined in the following three ways:
1. Parallel: A relationship between equals. When equals interact with each other they
interchange leadership positions depending on the context and the goals of the
interaction. An example would be a couple or co-workers relying on each other’s strengths
and shifting leadership roles depending on the need presented by the situation.

2. Complementary: A relationship where there is a clear leader and follower and the
relationship remains defined in this manner across different contexts.

3. Power Struggle: Constant power struggle for control of the relationship. If the definition
of a relationship is not clearly defined, then both parties can get stuck in a cycle of conflict.
This does not only take time from both individuals, but also affects the rest of the team and
their over-all productivity.

When the context of the relationship is not properly defined, poor relation- ships could be
the result. This could lead to role confusion, infighting and power struggles that tend to
involve other members of the team, ultimately bringing down morale and productivity.

Clarity of Self-Presentation
Whether you present yourself in a clear and understandable manner, or not, impacts the
effectiveness of your instructions to your team, your ability to ask for assistance and speak
to clients. (Basically, during any interaction with another person).
Examples of ineffective self-presentation: Speaking rapidly, poor pronunciation, incomplete
sentences, illogical or unsystematic communication, leaping from one topic to another,
vague statements, conflicting messages.

Observable effect of poor self-presentation: The impact of poor self-presentation is usually
felt/observed before identified. Take note of the following results of poor self-presentation:
people losing interest in what you are talking about, feeling like people don’t like you or that
you are somehow rejected or ousted form the team.

Observable results of effective self-presentation: Acceptance and confirmation from others,
tasks are easily understood and executed, you are easily and regularly approached when
someone gets stuck or is unable to figure some- thing out.

Example: Imagine how you would respond to someone who asks you to do something for
them, but their manner comes across as apologetic, with drooped shoulders and a soft
voice? The first couple of times it would be okay, but the most likely outcome is irritation
and impatience leading to the need to disengage.

The opposite presentation would be a person who approaches you with open shoulders
presenting a clear message with appropriate volume and a definite outcome. This would
make the reason for the request clear, without the emotional component which could
contaminate the request.

Emotional Distance
In your team and in your relationships, you will find yourself being closer to some than to
others. You might find some people trying to get to close to you, which inevitably irritates
you and results in you increasing the distance between you.

The other side of the coin is that you might try to get to know someone and they in turn
distance themselves from you, which might feel like rejection or just plain hurt.
This becomes relevant in a work team where one person is required to learn from another,
perhaps a new employee, or when a person is promoted to a different role. The harder you
try the more distance is created between you and the other person to the point where the
relationship disintegrates.

An alternative would be to time our interactions to decrease the potential for reflexive
rejection, be careful to disrupt an ongoing conversation or to intrude in someone’s thinking
space. The way to create closeness is to invite a person to speak about themselves, explore
their interests and the things they find interesting. When a person is expressing excitement
over a topic, reflect on that emotion “I can see that this topic really excites you, I would like
to learn more about it”. When it is work related hear them out and help explore solutions, or
if the other person uses you to vent, use the same reflexive technique “This really irritates
you” or “I can understand that you are frustrated by this situation”.

This manner of reflexive listening is a learned skill and will require some practice. The good
thing is that you get to know the other person first which al- lows you to define the
relationship and build towards appropriate emotional distance, rather than to jump in feet
first with comments about yourself that might be inappropriate or lead them to
subconsciously judge or reject you.

Accurate Empathy, Congruence, and Unconditional Positive Regard
1. Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Accurate
verbalization of understanding, reflecting another’s feelings.
2. Congruence: genuine, integrated person who is freely him/herself in the interaction. The
opposite of congruence is a person who holds a façade, plays a role, superficiality.
3. Unconditional Positive Regard: Translates into the warm acceptance of every aspect of a
person’s experience without any pre-conditions to acceptance. It inherently means caring for
someone without being possessive. It effectively means that the interaction is free of

A healthy relationship where a person can grow professionally and personally is characterized
by these factors. In the work context, an effective team where a person is safe to increase
their strengths and address their areas requiring improvement should be characterized by
these factors. It is perhaps more applicable to managers or team leaders where it is in their
interest to unlock the potential of their employees. In the absence of these factors a person
will likely feel unappreciated, exposed and vulnerable leading to stagnation and a waste of

Receiving validation from others means receiving the message that one has a valid, special,
or exceptional place as an individual and is appreciated for
one’s place in the company. Receiving or giving validation does not need to be a major event,
but should rather take the form of subtle or indirect messages that he/she offers valued
contributions to the team and is acceptable to others.
Validation is often a two-way street. If it is given it is often received in return. In the business
context, the absence of validation can lead to dissatisfaction, a decrease in motivation and
confusion about the value of one’s contribution.
Validation should be sincere and relevant to a person’s contribution when given. One of the
simplest ways of validating a person’s role or contribution is to express that appreciation
verbally by saying thank you and commenting on the value of their contribution. We need to
remind ourselves to do this as it often doesn’t come naturally.

Expression of Needs
The effective expression of needs to others is critical to a person’s wellbeing within a
company or team. Not bringing your needs to the table will typically render such a person
insignificant and invisible to others. Not expressing your needs will leave the other person
unaware of what you require and you might experience them as ignorant and uninterested.

On the other hand, if you express your needs in a demanding manner then you will likely be
met with defence, rejection, or withdrawal by the other party.
It is therefore up to you to define your needs clearly, gauge their importance and
communicate why they are important to you. Clarify what value meeting these needs hold for
you and how having your needs met will increase your ability to contribute to the team. If
you can explain these factors in detail, then there should usually not be a reason for your
needs not to be met.

An example would be if you were to ask anyone to go beyond what is expected of them.
Express your need: I need you to do X. Why is it important for you: Doing X will add value to
me because Y. If your request is not within limits it will also become clear to you.
Ineffective expression of needs will often take a demanding tone and leave the other person
asking themselves why they need to honour your request. Effective expression of needs can
serve all parties involved, regardless of the definition of the relationship.

Linear/Circular Approach
Usually a person will have a linear or circular approach to their environment.
Linear Approach: When a situation is viewed from only their own perspective it is usually
one-sided. People who maintain a linear approach will typically not recognize their share in
the outcome of an interaction. This will be evident in their tendency to blame others and/or
see themselves as the victim. Continuous blaming from a linear perspective will most likely
lead to hostility, defence and/or rejection and result in destructive behaviour between

Circular Approach: People with a circular approach consider perspectives other than their
own and can reflect on the impact that their contribution has on the outcome. They tend to
take responsibility for their actions and focus on solutions rather than spend time on finding
a person to blame. Adopting or working towards a circular approach will turn you into a problem solver and
effective team member. Problems become things to be addressed and not to be
sidestepped because you are able to take responsibility and work towards a solution, rather
than engaging in an exhaustive finger pointing exercise.

Degree of Interpersonal Flexibility and Rigidity
Different contexts require different ways of interacting. When engaged in giving
instructions and focusing on delivering a product or service one could expect a person to be
more rigid. This will be noted in the way instructions are given in a structured and definite
manner with little empathy for the team’s needs and experiences.
A person with a flexible interactional approach will then be able to speak with those people
who have concerns in a manner that addresses their concerns and requirements and is able
to compromise and find solutions.

A person with a rigid style of interaction will not easily compromise, and will stick to his/her
own point of view. A flexible style of interaction will include adaptability depending on
context. An overly flexible person will bend to the demands of his/her environment without
considering the impact or con- sequences of compliance which could lead to overloading,
exhaustion, and confusion about what is expected of you. Learn to say no along with
effectively expressing your needs. A well timed “no” can be more profitable than a poorly
timed “yes”.

An awareness of one’s level of rigidity vs flexibility can enable you to accommodate your
team’s needs while adjusting your interactional style to serve the purpose of the
interaction; whether it be a development meeting, sales meeting with clients or a one on
one interaction with an employee or co-worker seeking assistance. A person with effective
flexibility can integrate different approaches and opinions into his/her own understanding
of a topic to grow their understanding, rather than to defend a point of view or opinion
without the capacity to grow and adapt with the addition of new information.

Meta Communication
Any conflict or disagreement can only be resolved if all parties involved are able to pause
and communicate about their communication. This is done by both parties acknowledging
that they are having a difference in opinion and that both hold the potential for
contributing value. It is a process of neutralizing the emotional component of the
interaction and focusing on what message is being conveyed. This skill requires a high level
of emotional maturity where the parties involved are required to put their emotions on
hold to figure out how to move forward.

Once both parties can observe their own interactions they are on a higher order, or they
have meta-perspective, where they can abandon their linear approach for a circular one.
This is an extremely difficult skill to master and often requires a communications coach to
help those involved dissect the path leading up to the conflict.
A healthy meta communication exercise is to reflect on situations where poor
communication lead to emotional responses (Immediate or long-term) and to dissect the
interaction using these variables to understand the problem and adapt future
communication styles.

Adequacy of Problem Solving Skills
The essence of solving problems is the way you approach a challenge. Some people tend to
buckle under pressure and others tend to rise to the occasion. It is often a natural response
to being challenged directly whether you engage or disengage with the challenge.
Sometimes problem-solving skills can be acquired whether it is to deal with interpersonal
conflicts or when solving job specific challenges. An employee or manager will face different
challenges. Those challenges should be defined and addressed and the person equipped
appropriately to deal with them.

Inadequate problem-solving skills can manifest in “ducking and diving” behaviour or reverting
to a linear approach where others are blamed for short falls. The normal reaction to such
behaviour is penalties for underperformance, interpersonal conflict, feelings of incompetence
and cycles of blaming and defence.

Being in control of your environment and feeling adequately equipped to tackle the
challenges presented to you will influence your belief in your ability to perform in a manner
that is expected of you.

The question is: Does your environment control you, or are you in control of your
environment? If a person feels like the environment is controlling them then feelings of
helplessness and passive behaviour might be the result. Feeling out of control usually points
to needed growth in one or more of the above-mentioned variables.

Not being able to express your needs or being overly flexible will leave you feeling
frustrated, overburdened, or simply like a slave to your work place. Not feeling in control
inevitably escalates to feelings of depression and anxiety and might require external
assistance to address.

From Healing to Happiness: A Clinical Psychologist’s Guide to Overcoming Depression and Anxiety

By Andrew Visagie July 15, 2024
The Benefits of Daily Cold Showers: A Comprehensive Guide Cold showers have gained popularity for their potential health benefits, both mental and physical. This article delves into the research-backed advantages of incorporating cold showers into your daily routine and provides practical protocols to maximize their effectiveness. Here, I share my personal journey over 230 days of embracing cold showers and the profound impact it had on my life. Mental Health Benefits 1. Mood Improvement Cold showers can significantly enhance mood by increasing the levels of endorphins and norepinephrine. These chemicals are known to alleviate symptoms of depression and promote a sense of well-being. The sudden exposure to cold water triggers a release of these neurotransmitters, leading to an immediate uplift in mood. Personal Story : On day 15, I noticed a shift in my mood. The initial shock of the cold water was jarring, but as I stood under the icy stream, I felt a surge of energy and positivity. It was as if the cold water washed away my worries, leaving me with a sense of clarity and happiness that lasted throughout the day. 2. Stress Reduction Regular cold showers can help manage stress by reducing cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress. The body’s response to cold water immersion involves a reduction in cortisol production, which can lead to a calmer and more balanced state of mind. This practice can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic stress. Personal Story : By day 45, I began to see a noticeable reduction in my stress levels. The cold showers became a daily ritual that helped me reset and manage the pressures of work and life. Each time I stepped under the cold water, I reminded myself, “I am discomfort,” embracing the sensation and allowing it to ground me in the present moment. 3. Increased Alertness The shock of cold water can act as a natural stimulant, increasing alertness and energy levels. This effect is similar to the boost provided by caffeine but without the associated jitters. Starting your day with a cold shower can help you feel more awake and ready to tackle the day’s challenges. Personal Story : On day 60, I realized that my morning cold showers had become my secret weapon for staying alert and focused. The initial jolt of cold water was invigorating, and I found myself more productive and energized throughout the day. It was a powerful way to kickstart my mornings. Physical Health Benefits 1. Immune System Boost Cold showers may enhance the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, which help fight off infections. Regular exposure to cold water can train the body to respond more effectively to stressors, potentially reducing the frequency of illnesses. Personal Story : By day 90, I noticed that I hadn’t caught a cold or any minor illnesses, which was unusual for me. I attributed this to the regular cold showers, which seemed to be boosting my immune system and keeping me healthier overall. 2. Improved Circulation Cold water exposure activates the cardiovascular system, improving blood flow and circulation. This can lead to better overall cardiovascular health and may help prevent conditions such as hypertension. Improved circulation also means that more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to vital organs and tissues. Personal Story : On day 120, I felt a significant improvement in my circulation. My hands and feet, which were often cold, felt warmer, and I had more energy during my workouts. The cold showers were clearly having a positive impact on my cardiovascular health. 3. Muscle Recovery Athletes often use cold water immersion to reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery after intense physical activity. The cold water helps to constrict blood vessels, reducing inflammation and swelling. This practice can be particularly useful after strenuous workouts or competitions. Personal Story : By day 150, I started incorporating cold showers after my workouts. The difference was remarkable. My muscles felt less sore, and I recovered faster, allowing me to train harder and more consistently. Protocols for Cold Showers 1. Gradual Adaptation For those new to cold showers, it’s important to start gradually. Begin with lukewarm water and slowly decrease the temperature over a few days or weeks. This allows your body to adapt to the cold and reduces the initial shock. Personal Story : On day 1, I started with lukewarm water and gradually decreased the temperature. By day 10, I was able to withstand the cold water without feeling overwhelmed. This gradual approach made the transition much easier. 2. Duration Aim for a duration of 2-3 minutes under cold water. This is typically sufficient to experience the benefits without causing undue discomfort. As you become more accustomed to the cold, you can gradually increase the duration to 5 minutes or more. Personal Story : By day 30, I was able to stay under the cold water for 3 minutes. I focused on deep, controlled breathing, which helped me manage the discomfort and stay calm. 3. Breathing Techniques Practice deep, controlled breathing while under the cold water. This can help manage the initial shock and make the experience more tolerable. Focus on slow, deep breaths to calm your nervous system and reduce the urge to gasp. Personal Story : On day 75, I started using deep breathing techniques to stay under the cold water longer. This practice not only helped me manage the cold but also improved my overall breathing and relaxation skills. 4. Consistency Consistency is key to reaping the benefits of cold showers. Aim to incorporate them into your daily routine, ideally in the morning to kickstart your day with increased alertness and energy. Personal Story : By day 100, cold showers had become a non-negotiable part of my morning routine. The consistency paid off, and I felt more resilient and energized every day. 5. Combining with Warm Showers For those who find it difficult to start with a full cold shower, consider alternating between warm and cold water. Start with a warm shower and finish with 30 seconds to 1 minute of cold water. This can help ease the transition and still provide many of the benefits. Personal Story : On day 200, I experimented with alternating between warm and cold water. This approach made the experience more enjoyable and still allowed me to reap the benefits of cold exposure. Conclusion While more research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects, current studies indicate that daily cold showers can offer several mental and physical health benefits. By following the suggested protocols, you can maximize the effectiveness of cold water exposure and potentially improve your overall well-being. Whether you’re looking to boost your mood, reduce stress, or enhance physical recovery, cold showers may be a simple yet powerful addition to your daily routine. Personal Reflection : Over the 230 days, I learned to embrace the discomfort and see it as an opportunity for growth. The practice of staying under the cold water until I conquered the urge to get out bolstered my mental resilience, focus and control. It was like the intelligent rider regaining control of the powerful elephant, a metaphor that resonated deeply with me. This journey not only improved my physical health but also strengthened my mental fortitude. References Stanford Longevity. (2024, May 22). Jumping into the ice bath trend: Mental health benefits of cold water immersion. Retrieved from https://longevity.stanford.edu/lifestyle/2024/05/22/jumping-into-the-ice-bath-trend-mental-health-benefits-of-cold-water-immersion/ The Conversation. (2022, April 14). Cold showers: A scientist explains if they are as good for you as Wim Hof the Iceman suggests. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/cold-showers-a-scientist-explains-if-they-are-as-good-for-you-as-wim-hof-the-iceman-suggests-181678 Verywell Health. (2023, March 15). Are cold showers good for you?. Retrieved from https://www.verywellhealth.com/are-cold-showers-good-for-you-7094732 Corelli, C. (2023, June 10). Freezing out depression: The psychological benefits of a cold shower. Retrieved from https://www.carlacorelli.com/mental-health/freezing-out-depression-the-psychological-benefits-of-a-cold-shower/
By Andrew Visagie August 31, 2023
Unhappy Marriages and Divorce: A short, but Deep Dive into the Emotional and Financial Consequences The Emotional Toll In the realm of emotions, unhappy marriages can be a breeding ground for feelings of anger, sadness, and frustration. The constant discord and lack of understanding can escalate these negative emotions, potentially leading to severe mental health issues such as depression and anxiety1 . Divorce, while sometimes a necessary step towards self-preservation and happiness, is not without its emotional costs. Feelings of guilt, shame, and a sense of failure often accompany the process of separation1 . Moreover, the impact on children can be significant, leading to emotional distress and behavioral issues1 . The Financial Burden The financial implications of an unhappy marriage and divorce are often underestimated. Impulsive spending, a common coping mechanism in unhappy marriages, can lead to financial instability2 . The cost of divorce can be staggering. The average cost of a divorce is $15,000 per person, which can rise to $100,000 in more complicated situations, such as custody disputes 3 . The transition from a dual-income household to a single-income household can pose additional financial challenges3 . The Statistics Speak Research suggests that couples who divorce or separate suffer decreased psychological well-being compared to couples who remain married4 . In fact, people who are divorced or widowed are 20% more likely to suffer from long-term health problems, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or other chronic health issues5 . Financially, women are more likely to suffer after a divorce, with some reports citing that a divorced woman can lose between 25-50% of their pre-divorce income2 . The Path to Mitigation Despite the severe impacts of unhappy marriages and divorce, there are ways to mitigate these effects. Communication training can help individuals express their feelings more effectively, potentially resolving conflicts and improving the quality of the marriage1 . Personal healing, such as therapy and counseling, can also be beneficial. These services provide a safe space for individuals to express their feelings and learn coping strategies1 . Conclusion Unhappy marriages and divorce can have significant emotional and financial impacts. However, through communication training and personal healing, it is possible to mitigate these effects and move towards a happier, healthier future. Remember, it’s never too late to seek help and make a positive change in your life. Your happiness and well-being are worth fighting for. References : Waite, L. J., & Hughes, M. E. (2022). The Real Long-Term Physical and Mental Health Effects of Divorce. Psychology Today 5 . : Waite, L. J., & Doherty, W. J. (2002). Does Divorce Make People Happy? Findings from a Study of Unhappy Marriages. ResearchGate4 . : Forbes Finance Council. (2022). The Financial Impact Of Divorce. Forbes 3 . : Patrick, W. L. (2022). How Common Are “Loveless Marriages”? Psychology Today1 . : The Venn Diagram of Life. (2022). 5 Reasons People Stay in Unhappy Marriages. Psychology Today 2 .
By Andrew Visagie August 21, 2023
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By Andrew Visagie August 3, 2023
Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being”. It is the source of happiness and fulfillment that makes you feel alive and motivated. It is the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. Finding and living your ikigai can have many benefits for your mental health and longevity. Studies have shown that people who have a strong sense of purpose and meaning in life tend to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. They also have lower levels of stress, depression, and anxiety, and higher levels of resilience, optimism, and self-esteem. But how can you find and live your ikigai? Here are 10 rules that can help you on your journey, along with the neurological and hormonal explanations of why they are important: 1. Find your ikigai The first step is to discover your ikigai, your reason for being. To do this, you can ask yourself four questions: What do you love to do? What are you good at? What does the world need from you? What can you be paid for? Try to find the common thread that connects these four aspects of your life. This is your ikigai, your passion and mission that gives you joy and satisfaction. Finding your ikigai can activate the reward system in your brain, which involves the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These chemicals can enhance your mood, motivation, and pleasure. 2. Pursue your ikigai with balance and harmony Once you have found your ikigai, the next step is to pursue it with passion and perseverance. However, this does not mean that you should overwork yourself or neglect other aspects of your life. You should also seek balance and harmony in your activities and relationships. Remember that ikigai is not a goal, but a process. It is not something that you achieve once and for all, but something that you constantly work on and improve. It is also something that can change over time, as you grow and evolve as a person. Pursuing your ikigai with balance and harmony can regulate the stress response in your body, which involves the secretion of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can help you cope with challenges and threats, but too much of them can harm your health. 3. Cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation Another rule for living your ikigai is to cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for your ikigai and everything else in your life. Be mindful of the present moment and enjoy the small pleasures that make you happy. Gratitude can help you appreciate what you have, rather than focusing on what you lack. It can also help you cope with challenges and difficulties, by reminding you of the positive aspects of your situation. Gratitude can also enhance your well-being, by boosting your mood, health, and relationships. Cultivating a sense of gratitude and appreciation can modulate the immune system in your body, which involves the production of cytokines and antibodies. These molecules can help you fight off infections and diseases, but too little or too much of them can cause inflammation. 4. Connect with others who share your ikigai or support your journey You are not alone in your quest for finding and living your ikigai. You can connect with others who share your ikigai or support your journey. These people can be your friends, family, colleagues, mentors, or role models. One way to find such people is to join a moai, a close-knit group of friends who provide social and emotional support. Moais are common in Okinawa, Japan, where people live longer than anywhere else in the world. Moais can help you stay motivated, inspired, accountable, and happy. Another way to find such people is to seek mentorship and guidance from those who have more experience or wisdom in your field. They can offer you valuable advice, feedback, and insights that can help you improve your skills and knowledge. Connecting with others who share your ikigai or support your journey can stimulate the social system in your brain, which involves the release of neurotransmitters such as oxytocin and vasopressin. These chemicals can enhance your trust, bonding, and empathy. 5. Keep learning and growing in your ikigai Learning and growing are essential parts of living your ikigai. You should always challenge yourself to improve your skills and knowledge, and seek feedback from others. You should also be open to new ideas and perspectives that can enrich your understanding. Learning and growing can help you stay curious, creative, and innovative in your ikigai. They can also help you adapt to changing circumstances and overcome obstacles. Learning and growing can also increase your self-confidence, self-efficacy, and self-actualization. Learning and growing in your ikigai can strengthen the cognitive system in your brain, which involves the formation of new neurons and synapses. These structures can enhance your memory, learning, and creativity. 6. Share your ikigai with the world Your ikigai is not only for yourself, but also for the world. You should use your talents and passions to contribute to the common good and make a positive difference. You should also inspire others with your work and your story. Sharing your ikigai with the world can help you create value and meaning for yourself and others. It can also help you connect with like-minded people who appreciate your work and support your vision. Sharing your ikigai with the world can also increase your sense of fulfillment, recognition, and impact. Sharing your ikigai with the world can activate the altruistic system in your brain, which involves the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals can enhance your happiness, generosity, and meaning. 7. Embrace change and uncertainty as opportunities for growth and innovation Change and uncertainty are inevitable parts of life. They can be scary or stressful, but they can also be opportunities for growth and innovation. You should embrace change and uncertainty as challenges that can help you learn and grow in your ikigai. To embrace change and uncertainty, you should adopt a growth mindset, which is the belief that you can improve your abilities and outcomes through effort and feedback. You should also adopt a positive attitude, which is the tendency to focus on the bright side of things and expect the best possible outcomes. Embracing change and uncertainty as opportunities for growth and innovation can stimulate the adaptive system in your brain, which involves the activation of neural networks that enable flexible thinking and behavior. These networks can enhance your resilience, curiosity, and innovation. 8. Respect and care for your body, mind, and spirit Your body, mind, and spirit are the foundations of your ikigai. You should respect and care for them, by eating well, exercising regularly, sleeping enough, and avoiding unhealthy habits. You should also meditate, relax, and have fun. You should seek professional help if you need it. Respecting and caring for your body, mind, and spirit can optimize the homeostatic system in your body, which involves the maintenance of a stable internal environment. This system can enhance your health, well-being, and quality of life. 9. Honor your ancestors and traditions, but also embrace diversity and modernity Your ancestors and traditions are the roots of your ikigai. They are the sources of your values, beliefs, and customs that shape your identity and worldview. You should honor them, by learning from them, following them, or preserving them. However, you should also embrace diversity and modernity, which are the branches of your ikigai. They are the sources of new experiences, ideas, and opportunities that enrich your life and broaden your horizons. You should embrace them, by exploring them, accepting them, or adapting to them. Honor your ancestors and traditions, but also embrace diversity and modernity can help you balance continuity and change in your ikigai. They can also help you respect other cultures and beliefs, but also maintain your own identity. 10. Live each day as if it were your last, but also plan for the future The final rule for living your ikigai is to live each day as if it were your last, but also plan for the future. This means that you should make the most of every moment, but also prepare for the next one. Living each day as if it were your last can help you appreciate every opportunity, experience every emotion, and express every feeling. It can also help you avoid regrets, procrastination, and complacency. Living each day as if it were your last can also increase your happiness, satisfaction, and gratitude. Planning for the future can help you set goals, make plans, and take actions that align with your ikigai. It can also help you anticipate challenges, overcome difficulties, and achieve success. Planning for the future can also increase your optimism, hopefulness, and resilience. These are the 10 rules for finding and living your ikigai. By following these rules, you can discover your reason for being that makes you feel alive and fulfilled. You can also enjoy the benefits of having a strong sense of purpose and meaning in life that can boost your mental health and longevity.
By Andrew Visagie June 26, 2023
10 Stoic Principles for Depression with SHIP Therapy
By Andrew Visagie June 20, 2023
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By Andrew Visagie June 13, 2023
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By Andrew Visagie June 13, 2023
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By Andrew Visagie June 13, 2023
Why Ship Therapy Works: A New Perspective Many people think that therapy works because it provides validation and empathy that we can’t get in isolation. They believe that we need someone else to listen to us, understand us, and affirm us, and that without this, we feel lonely, depressed, and hopeless. While validation and empathy are certainly important and beneficial, they are not the only or the main reasons why therapy works. In fact, therapy works not because it gives us something we lack, but because it helps us discover something we already have. Ship therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on facilitating the spontaneous healing processes in clients. It is based on the assumption that every person has an innate capacity to heal from psychological wounds and traumas, and that this healing can occur spontaneously when the right conditions are met. Ship therapy does not focus on pathology or diagnosis, but on creating a safe and supportive environment for the client to access their own healing resources. Ship therapy works because it helps us develop the skills and attitudes to validate and empathise with ourselves and others, regardless of our external circumstances. Ship therapy works because it teaches us how to connect with ourselves and others in meaningful ways, not because it compensates for our lack of connection. What does this mean? It means that ship therapy helps us learn how to listen to our own thoughts and feelings, without judging or rejecting them. It means that ship therapy helps us understand our own motivations and needs, without blaming or shaming ourselves. It means that ship therapy helps us affirm our own worth and value, without depending or relying on others. It means that ship therapy helps us accept ourselves as we are, while also encouraging us to grow and change.  It also means that ship therapy helps us learn how to listen to others’ thoughts and feelings, without interrupting or dismissing them. It means that ship therapy helps us understand others’ motivations and needs, without criticising or attacking them. It means that ship therapy helps us affirm others’ worth and value, without manipulating or exploiting them. It means that ship therapy helps us accept others as they are, while also supporting them to grow and change. By developing these skills and attitudes, we become more confident, resilient, and compassionate. We become more capable of handling stress, conflict, and uncertainty. We become more open to new experiences, perspectives, and opportunities. We become more fulfilled, happy, and healthy. Ship therapy works because it empowers us to be our best selves and to relate to others in the best ways possible. Ship therapy works because it transforms us from within, not because it fixes us from without. If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of ship therapy for yourself, contact any of us on https://www.ship.org.za/contact-us/ today to book a session with one of our qualified and experienced ship therapists. We are here to help you discover your own potential and connect with others in meaningful ways.
By Andrew Visagie June 13, 2023
What is SHIP therapy and why it works when healing depression and anxiety.
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