5 St Helena Close
Well, healing, a sound board, a place to vent, a place where its all about you and the challenges you are facing where there is nothing for you to lose, bringing about real results in your life.
I work at building a real relationship, you’ll get to know me too, I follow a process and I am results driven. With that said, whatever happened to you and whatever you are battling happened in the context of a relationship, whether in a family, romantic, work or friendship, healing and moving past those hurts needs to happen within a real human to human relationship as well. You won’t always leave feeling better, but I can assure you, what you leave behind stays there, you will feel the difference when presented with the stuff that initially got you down.
Therapy is NOT easy, imagine going to a surgeon who is afraid to cut. S/he will talk about it, explore what it might be like, but if that cut isn’t made then problem will not be fixed and the healing cannot begin. I will endeavour to bring you to the events you are avoiding and the emotions your de-pressing, I will guide you to experience them, to feel them, and to heal from them.
If you are on meds, don’t just come off them. If you are thinking about going on meds, consider the following (I am not a psychiatrist, and you should consult with one before making up your mind): The symptoms associated with anxiety and depression are your body’s ways of calling you to action. If you break a leg, it hurts like hell. If your life is not what you want it to be or you’ve lost your way, then you body will tell you. Now, if you take that broken leg and just take pain killers it will heal, but you will have a limp, you won’t be able to run, and you won’t be able to do the things you enjoyed before. Just the same, if you suffer from psychological pain, you can medicate, numb the pain and push it under, you will be ground to a halt and your situation won’t change. You will feel different, but not necessarily better. Low serotonin does not equal depression, SSRI’s won’t fix your problems.
If you are in dire straits, meds could help to give you a leg up, but they are seldomly, if ever, a long-term solution.
Yes, we can discuss payment options and I am registered with all medical aids.
Yes, the only time I will be forced to break confidentiality is if you are a danger to yourself or to someone else, but like with everything, there will be a conversation first. If you are suicidal, I won’t sound the alarm an have you committed off the bat. Suicidal ideation is often the result of feeling trapped, if you can’t go left, and you can’t go right, then up, is the only choice that is left. Luckily, there is almost always a way out, and you can find it through therapy.
Well, how long did it take for your ducks to get out of line, or for the squirrels to get to the rave? Its hard to say, we often have a lifetime’s worth of misadventures to unravel. What I can say, is the more you put in, the more you get out.
No, if you like good coffee, I’d like some too, cold milk, no sugar 😊 otherwise I have some instant for you.
I am a psychologist; do you honestly think you can shock or surprise me? I’ve worked in prisons, public hospitals, private clinics and I grew up skating in the streets of Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg, New York and Miami. I’ve seen drugs, tried some, made bad decision and made some good ones too. I’ve worked in different fields, loved and lost and found love again. I indulge in poetry and prose and love the visual arts. There is nothing you can bring that will shock, disgust or disturb me, promise!
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Schonenberg Estate
Cape Town
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