Less than a year ago I hit the ground hard and my life lay in pieces around me! I lost everything, my car, my business but worst of all; my humanity!
I was in Denmar Psychiatric Hospital in 2016 where I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression and fibromyalgia (basically what it is, my whole body was in constant pain and I was so tired that I could literally not stand up). I walked out there with a handful of pills (so strong that a couple of doctors expressed their shock about how strong the medication was) and for a month it went better, just so the wheels could come off again. The psychiatrist just increased the dose every time!
In early 2017, I decided that I'd rather die without the pills than die while on them. I found a doctor who believed in holistic healing. She was the one who referred me to Andrew. For a month or so I kicked against it like a sheep to be slaughtered!
I will not see another psychologist, because it does not help! - that was my opinion. I've been through too much and I don't like them.
Well my life was shattered and I decided to go and see Andrew for my mom and the people around me!
Well, here I am today and I must confess that this time (his treatment and approach) was different. It was so different that it literally saved my life!
I saw Andrew for 9 months and my fibromyalgia (body aches and fatigue) is gone, I could start exercising again, something I couldn't do for more than a year, but what my life revolved around!
I'm off of all my pills, which the doctors said would never happen! I lost 30kg as a result and I can sleep naturally again, something I didn't know since 2013!
Anxiety and depression are a 100 times better and I can start enjoying food again without the hassle of my heart!
The stand-out thing for me was the sincerity with which Andrew handled me and other people, the real interest in you as a person, as well as the feeling of being important to him and not just another number! And it's not just about money. This is what the difference was for me to return after the first session!
And then of course the type of therapy he uses, so simple, yet so effective! After each session with him I felt lighter, not just for the hour or three afterwards, but for every day afterwards! It's a funny feeling, a sense of success, a sense of progress and of course the literal sense of healing and confidence!
Today I can train hard again, I started a business again and I am looking forward to tomorrow! Now for some it sounds small, but for me it's massive! Because if you had nothing left for over a year and today you have something as small as health to just run, then you realize how valuable life, time and the little things are and appreciate it deeply!
You also realize the most important thing of all is people and it gives me hope and passion to tell everyone that there is a good - no, a special person, who really cares - and his name is Andrew! And that he has a way that works !!
Thank you! Because the vocabulary of gratitude is too big, yet it gets caught up in our hearts and expressed with "thanks"!